nedjelja, 6. veljače 2011.

VIDEO: SandevBonsai Yamadori series - collecting on rocky terrain.wmv

As I am often asked by e-mail about various aspects of collecting yamadori, especially relating to species that we usually Carpinus orientalis or Pinus mugho, I decided that I will make a video series that will show some basic examples of collecting those species in native habitat. To some people that are already familiar with collecting in similar terrains this will be of no use. But, I am sure that at least some people will find this informative.  Besides just collecting yamadori, I've tried to make these videos interesting and, sometimes...even funny. You will forgive me the funny and foolish part...after all, this is only my spare time and I am trying to spend it in a good mood with my friends... More videos will be recorded as we will  go on yamadori hunting trips during the year.
Hope someone will find this useful
Thanks to my dear wife for recording everything :)